
Cheat Engine 6.5 다운로드 (링크 수정 2018-07-24)

dladbru 2016. 1. 20. 10:42

다운로드 : 



10MB 업로드 제한으로 분할압축.

치트엔진이 6.5로 나오게 되면서 추가,수정된 대표적인 기능으로는 

브레이크포인트관련 문제

네트워크 스캔
r8 r9 레지스터

윈10 커널디버깅.

많이 바뀐것은 확실한데 직접 사용해보지않는 이상은 모르겠네요.

치트엔진은 항상 소스코드도 같이 공개되므로 직접 들여다 보는것도 매우 재미있을것 거에요.

제가 9년전쯤 치트엔진을 처음 봤을땐 아무것도 모른채 단순히 치팅 툴로만 인식했었을때가 떠오르네요.

메모리 서칭으로 시작해서 지금의 커널 디버깅까지..

나도 저런 장기 프로젝트 해보고싶다~ 

- 원문 -

  • Fixed page exception breakpoints from not working
  • Fixed the save as button in the lua script assigned to the table
  • Fixed the dotnetdatacollector from not fetching parent fields
  • Fixed disassembling of some instructions
  • Fixed assembling some instructions
  • Fixed assembling instructions that referenced address 80000000 to ffffffff in 64-bit targets
  • Fixed dealing with unexpected breakpoints
  • Fixed several issues with the network scanner. (symbols, scanspeed, threads, etc...)
  • Fixed "going to" 64-bit registers.
  • Fixed pointerstrings for 64-bit
  • Fixed the addressparser in memview's hexview not handing static 64-bit addresses
  • Fixed r8 and r9 looking broken in the memoryview window
  • Fixed hotkeys that set a value as hexadecimal and the value is smaller than 0x10
  • Fixed multiline string editing for memory records
  • Fixed dragging cheat tables into CE
  • Fixed VEH debug for 'Modern' apps
  • Fixed several translation issues
  • lua:

  • fixed getStructureCount, writeRegionToFile, readRegionFromFile, readInteger, ListColum.GetCount
  • fixed memoryleak in MemoryStream

  • Several fixes to DBVM:

  • added support for Windows 10
  • support for more than 8 cpu's
  • support for newer cpu's
  • fixed issue where calling CPUID right after setting the TF flag wouldn't trigger a breakpoint after it

  • 반응형